How You Can Help
New England Woodcarvers is a nonprofit organization depending
entirely on volunteers to keep it running. The organization is
fortunate to have a group of dedicated people who serve on the
Board of Directors, lead and work on various committees, and serve
as Area Representatives, but, they cannot do it all! The club needs your
expertise and help. Engaged members make the club better for all.
Be a Leader
Look at the board positions, committees and Area
Representative positions on the NEWC Leadership list.
Everyone has some ability to serve on a committee or perhaps
run for a board position. Talk to a board member or committee
chairperson to learn how you can help.
Membership Meetings
Lead a carving project.
Contribute some snack foods for the refreshment table (please remove calories first).
Contribute items for the meeting auction.
Stick around to help clean up after the meeting.
Email Kimberly@newc.org to suggest that outstanding carver/craft person you know as a guest speaker.
Spirit of Wood Show
Our annual show requires lots of people to make it a success.
You can help too! It's easy!
Enter a piece into the competition. Regardless of your skill level put your best work in the show and talk to the judges to learn what you can do to improve. You will be helping NEWC and increasing your skills at the same time.
Donate or help locate items for the bucket contest.
Help move tables and chairs.
Transport materials from our storage area to the show.
Set up the competition area to display entries.
Judge the competition. Your experience can play a key role.
Talk to your carving group about setting up a table at the show to highlight your group's work.
Teach a one hour seminar on sharpening, photographing your carvings, carving and painting tips, selling your carvings, etc.
Tree of Hope
Carve ornaments; we can always use more.
Talk to Rick Boyer about helping at shows around New England to sell ornaments and promote the program.
If not you, then who?
Get engaged, and you will be richer for it.