Become a New England Woodcarver Today!
Have you ever seen a carving and wished you could create something like that? You can! Joining NEWC can be the first step in learning how to produce your own carvings of any kind. Membership benefits include:
Socialize and connect with other woodcarvers at our meeting and events.
Allowed to bring children under 16 to all NEWC events for free.
Discount pricing at any New England Woodcarving Events such as the Spirit of Wood Show.
Allowed to propose money to be donated from the Tree of Hope to charity of choice pending board approval.
Eligible for awards New England Woodcarvers has to offer.
Receive financial reports of the NEWC organization.
Access to discounts of wood, tools, etc. from sponsoring vendors such as MDI and Wood Craft.
Access to NEWC sponsored work shops and education from master carvers.
Submit pictures of wood carvings to be placed on NEWC website or Facebook page upon review.
Information about other woodcarving clubs and events.
Joining is easy, download the attached membership application fill it in on your computer, print it and mail it to the address on the application form.
Must be at least 16 years of age. Under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Existing members use the same form to renew your membership.
Also, use this form to change your physical address or email address or any other information that needs to be updated. Simply fill out your name, membership number and your new address, email or other changed information.