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2016 Spirit of Wood Select Competition Photos
Click on the image to see the full photo.

Michael Crocker Wenge Octopus Walking Stick.jpg

Richard Chalpin Hooded Merganser.jpg

Robin Patten Fish Story.jpg

Laurie Farrell Maple Sugaring.jpg

George Ford Mallard Drake.jpg

Thelma Tibbetts Golden Giraffes

Michael Dooner Humpback Whale

Mark Madden Saw Wet Owl

Bob Grimm Brook Trout

Richard Chalpin Bufflehead

Derek Burdon Chickadee

Gail Haneche Godin Sheep

Bpb Grimm Flying Geese

Jessie O'Brien Owl Bottle Holder

Kimberly Rhault Snowy Owl

Louis Dennis Goshawk

Michel Blais Bust of Maurice

Marelyn Ostalkiewicz Lady Slipper

Andrew Ungerson Pirate Head

Norman Boucher City Gate

Vin Foody Red Tail Hawk
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