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Member Carvings
The New England Woodcarvers is made up of a multitude of talented carvers who each have their own treasure trove of excellent carvings. We would love for you to share photos of your artwork on our page! We are proud of our members and the beautiful work they do.
How to Submit Photos:
If you want credit for your carving, make sure you include your name in the correspondence. You can also give your work a title if you'd like.
By email:
Email your photos to webmaster Kimberly Rhault at
By phone:
Cell phones have made sharing photos so easy! Simply select the photo you wish to share and text it to Kimberly at 603-438-7482.
You will get an email or text response within 48 hours to confirm that the photo was received, and we'll post them as soon as we can.
A Word of Caution:
Once a photo is placed on the web it can pop up any place. If you have concerns about having your work copied to other web sites or social media, or showing up in printed material, do not submit photos! NEWC does not accept any responsibility for photos submitted.
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